When your Xbox is lagging, it can be super frustrating, especially when playing a game online.
This comprehensive guide will give you all the necessary information to reduce Xbox lagging.
Why is my Xbox lagging?
The cause of your Xbox lagging is usually an internet connection or software issue that increases your ping and latency.
This increase in ping and latency can cause stuttering in your gameplay, especially if you are gaming online.
These issues also apply to Xbox cloud gaming lagging.
Method 1. Restart your Xbox
The first step I would take is to restart your Xbox through a complete shutdown.
The complete shutdown is vital, especially if you have “Instant On” or Rest Mode activated.
The reset will clear the system cache and any lingering apps or games running in RAM.
To beat your Xbox lagging issues, you want a fresh Xbox boot that doesn’t have background apps and games affecting the bandwidth or response time of your Xbox.
By reducing the number of apps and games running in the background, you give the download a clear uninterrupted path to download the files needed.
How to Restart Your Xbox
Step 1: Acess the Xbox Menu
PRESS & HOLD the Xbox button in the middle of your Xbox controller.
Step 2: Select RESTART when the menu appears.
Method 2. Reset your Router
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, but it is effective in helping to resolve Xbox lagging issues.
How do I reset my router?
The easiest way to reset your router is to unplug it from the wall socket for 30 seconds before plugging it back in.
This action will “power-cycle” your router and provide more bandwidth to increase your ability to transmit data faster on your Xbox console.
Why does resetting your router reduce Xbox lag?
Most homes have many devices connected to their home internet router.
Your router operates like a mini-PC and will slow down as more tasks are added.
Having all those devices connected will reduce the bandwidth available to your Xbox console and subsequently throttle your download speed and introduce lag.
Method 3. Perform a Xbox network test
You should check your Xbox internet connection.
Step 2: Access the Xbox Profile & System Menu
When you press the Xbox button on your controller, you should see the Xbox menu appear.
It would help if you now navigate to your profile picture tab by pressing the RB button.
You should now see the following screen where you need to navigate to the settings menu, as shown in the image below.
Step 3: Access the Xbox Settings Menu
Step 4: Access network settings
Step 5: Review Xbox network options
I would recommend that your ensure that your NAT Type is “OPEN”.
You should also peform the numerous tests that are available to you, this will give you an indication if your have an issue connecting with the Xbox network.
Method 4: Disconnect devices from the internet
If you cannot reset your router for any reason, I would try and disconnect none essential devices from the internet.
Is someone in your home watching Netflix? What about your phone?
Every device you can disconnect from your internet will help reduce Xbox lagging.
Method 5. Close games or apps that are running
If you have followed our first step of restarting your Xbox, then this step would have been completed for you; otherwise, please continue in closing any running apps or games.
How does having open games and apps increase Xbox lagging?
Imagine your internet connection to your Xbox like an artery in your body. The more games and apps running are like blockages in your arteries. Sorry for the weird analogy!
Those blockages impede your ability to download at speed. If your current download is essential to you then clear those arteries so the blood (internet speed) can flow!
How to close active Xbox Games
Step 1: Acess the Xbox Menu
Press the Xbox button in the middle of your Xbox controller.
Highlight the game that you want to close
Please review the list of games on this menu and quit them.
To quit a game, highlight it and press the menu button.
You will now see an additional menu where you can select QUIT GAME.
Method 6. Update your Xbox software before downloading
This is a big one that is often missed. Microsoft is excellent at providing software updates to your Xbox that improve its performance and features.
If you want to reduce Xbox lagging, then please update your software!
Microsoft has actively been increasing the ability for users to download quicker, so if you have not updated the Xbox software, you may be experiencing slower download speeds.
Method 7. Close the games you are playing
Some people enjoy some games while the download progresses in the background. The purpose of this article, however, is to reduce Xbox lag!
Close any games that you have running to increase your download speed.
Why does playing games increase lag on Xbox?
It is increasingly common for games to be predominately online-focused and require an internet connection to play.
Games must use your internet connection to communicate with servers and download resources as you play.
If you are actively playing games while downloading, then this needs to communicate with servers and download assets.
Downloading while playing games will negatively impact your ping on Xbox.
Method 8. Use an Ethernet cable rather than a WIFI
It is almost always true that you will get a better download speed when you use an Ethernet (Wired Connection) rather than WIFI.
Wired connections transmit data quicker and with less interference. There are also fewer variables that can hinder the quality of the connection.
WIFI connections are slower and generally have a slower response time. The distance from your Xbox, along with walls, floor, and ceilings, can all deteriorate the quality of your internet connection, thus giving you slower downloads.
I always use a wired connection when available, and you should too!
Method 9. Download one game at a time
If multiple downloads are activated within your Xbox dashboard, your internet connection will be shared between them, thus reducing your download speed.
You should prioritize the item you want to download first and pause any other downloads to ensure the fastest download speed.
Method 10. Upgrade your Internet Connection
Not everyone has access to high download speed through their ISP (Internet Service Provider), but for those that do, consider upgrading your internet connection.
It is pretty straightforward that a 100mbps connection will have a slower download rate than a 1gbps connection.
Method 11. Upgrade your Router
This option will not apply to everyone, but for some gamers, the router could be the bottleneck in their home network, preventing their Xbox from downloading faster.
If you have consistently upgraded your internet speed through your ISP but are still using an older router, you may wish to check your router’s maximum download speed.
It’s all good to have a 1gbps connection, but if your router can only download at 100mbps, you’ve got a massive bottleneck and a solid explanation for why your Xbox isn’t downloading faster.
Method 12. Contact XBOX Support
If you have tried all the tips above and nothing has worked, you can contact Xbox Support for further assistance.
Final Thoughts
When Xbox is lagging, it interrupts your gameplay.
The majority of the issues will originate from your internet connection.
The steps outlined above have a good success rate in improving connectivity and reducing ping, which should help eliminate lagging.